Quality + Quantity
Reflecting on the quality and quantity of life guides our decisions down the road.
We all exist somewhere between thriving and dying. At some point in our lives we’ll be asked to make weighty decisions as they relate to our health and how that affects the time we choose to spend on this planet.
This pamphlet gets the wheels turning to help frame how you approach future medical decisions.
Print a copy and do the exercises solo or with friends and family. You’ll each learn about past chapters, what’s important to each of you today and understand how all of this impacts health care decisions for your future selves.
When you are trying to figure out how you want to complete your Advance Directive or need to make treatment decisions based upon a serious diagnosis, this tool can help you tease out answers to big questions.
It does so by asking you questions about your whole life, not just the road ahead. Give it a go! -
Individuals working to complete their Advance Directives.
Individuals who are looking to communicate what is important to them with their Medical Power of Attorney / Health Care Proxy.
Anyone reflecting on the quality of their life through a lens of past, current and future chapters.
Anyone looking for a way to start documenting the legacy of a loved one (dead or alive). It’s MUCH easier if they are still living though! Don’t delay—start today!
Hospice professionals working with individuals and their families at end-of-life.
Primary Care Physicians to offer this tool to assist their patients thinking about what is important to them as it relates to Goals of Care.