About Us
The Pre-Dead Social Club is on a mission to bring fresh energy to vital conversations about dying and death, fostering understanding among individuals, loved ones, and the professionals they rely on.
Together, we cultivate clarity, build confidence, and advocate for compassionate, personalized end-of-life experiences.
We create opportunities to:
Lean in and get curious.
Discuss the things that matter most as we face our own eventual end-of-life.
Collaborate with professionals who have a vested interest in how we prepare for our final exit.
We recognize that dying and death are tender subjects.
As a society, we've excelled at avoiding discussions about our dying with loved ones. In doing so, we risk unintentionally alienating those we hold most dear. By the time we become comfortable enough, it's often too late for meaningful conversations resulting in regret, guilt, and needless anguish for all parties.
By coming together, sharing conversations, resources and personal stories we hope to leave this earth with a bit more clarity, greater satisfaction—and a lot more love and friendship.
Our growing community includes YOU, our roster of facilitators, business members, affiliates in different cities and collaborators on programs and events.
We’ve come a long way from when the Pre-Dead Social Club first hit the streets.
The Pre-Dead Social Club came to life with a whole lotta hope and a healthy dose of curiosity. In March of 2023, our founder, Laura Cleminson, asked herself the question, “What would happen if I started a social club with ZERO BARRIERS to entry—you just have to be not dead yet—as a place to talk about the thing we all have in common, we all will die someday. Would anyone show up?”
The answer? “So glad you’re here!”
Founder of Pre-Dead Social Club
INELDA-trained death doula, hospice volunteer
Member of the NH Health Care Decisions Coalition
Public speaker, entrepreneur, & believes in the benefits of talking to strangers
Through Laura’s own experiences around death and dying and working with individuals and families in the throes of the dying process, Laura believed that unless we create consistent, opportunities for people to come together (before a serious diagnosis) to explore and better understand death and dying along with the honest scope of caregiving a peaceful, final exit will remain elusive. We can do so much better when it comes to reducing the amount of personal and emotional toll taken on people dying, their families, those who care for them, and our medical community at large.
Statistically, we are living longer, not necessarily healthier, and many of our family members—if we have them, live in other zip codes or time zones. The more we practice these conversations now, the easier our final exit will be.
Bring Pre-Dead Social Club to You!
Interested in bringing one (or some) of our programs to your community, organization or business?
We often loose sight that death is an event and dying is a process, one without a clear timeline. Both have the ability to be influenced by decisions we make or don’t make, conversations we have and don’t have. Dying is a life skill and the more we keep the die-a-logue alive with those we care about, the more likely we will leave this world on our own terms and with peace in our hearts.
Founder, Pre-Dead Social Club